
Monday, October 18, 2004


Hoaah!I was reading Jason's blog the other day and I came across this post .He talked about several things but this bit caught my eye:
"Last week, I saw a guy almost get hit by a van while crossing the street. He was pissed and understandably so. He was in the crosswalk with the walk signal and the guy in the van was super aggressive in trying to get through; the guy actually had to run out of the way to avoid being knocked down. The guy was so pissed that when the van finally stopped to let him pass, he reached through the window and beat the driver on the head with his cell phone. As a sympathetic pedestrian, I almost went over there to help him."...
Hah!America,:).I wish he could spend some time in Nigeria, where even zebra crossings(=crosswalks here) have become meaningless and drivers actually increase their speed when approaching one*sigh*.His post just makes me laugh.Man so people are essentially the same everywhere.Well at least in the other places this behaviours is the exception and not the rule.


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